U.S. Supreme Court – Franchise Tax Board v. Hyatt

LGE appellate lawyer Robert Eisenberg recently returned from observing arguments before the United States Supreme Court in the matter of Franchise Tax Board v. Hyatt.  The case has a long and complex history involving, among many issues, whether one state can be sued in the courts of another state without the first state’s consent, the application of statutory damage caps to intentional conduct, and whether a governmental entity is immune from a punitive damages award.

Mr. Eisenberg was retained to help review briefings and prepare the attorneys who ultimately argued the case before the United States Supreme Court.  Mr. Eisenberg attended one of the moot court session in Washington, D.C. and the argument itself.  Mr. Eisenberg argues frequently before the Nevada Supreme Court and is intimately familiar with appellate procedure.

The Supreme Court Justices heard argument in the Hyatt case on January 9, 2019.  Their decision should be issued before the end of the term.  A link to the Nevada Supreme Court’s decision in Hyatt can be found here: http://caseinfo.nvsupremecourt.us/public/caseView.do?csIID=21034.